(850) 593-6636 info@sneadsfl.com

Hurricane Michael Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR)

The Florida Department of Commerce (FC) has made available $112 million in CDBG-DR funding to local governments impacted by Hurricane Michael through the Rebuild Florida General Infrastructure Repair Program. For this funding allocation the Town of Sneads has received funding for multiple projects. Each project that town currently has open is listed below along with a brief summary of the project scope of work and a current status update.

If any citizen, would like additional information on these projects or would like to know how to register a comment on these projects, contact Bill Rentz, Town Manager at 850-593-6636 or email info@sneadsfl.com.

Link to Town Purchasing Policy

Link to Internal Controls Policy

Downtown Revitalization Project (M0055)

The Town of Sneads has been awarded up to $951,762.00 in CDBG-DR Hometown Revitalization (HR) funds to complete various improvements to sites along Gloster Avenue located in the Town of Sneads. The project has allowed the town to purchase and demolish the structures located at 1989 & 1995 Gloster Avenue thereby completing phase 1 of the project as well as award a construction contract to renovate the building located at 8034 Old Spanish Trail.

Phase 2 of the project improvements to 1989 & 1995 Gloster Avenue is currently under design by the Town’s contracted Engineer – David H. Melvin, Inc. Once design is complete, the town will seek approval from Florida Commerce to initiate the competitive bid process to solicit sealed bids from qualified construction contractors. The Grant is being administered by the Town’s contracted grant administrator – David H. Melvin, Inc.

Road and Drainage Improvements Project (M0113)

The Town of Sneads has been awarded $1,907,925.00 in CDBG-DR funds to construct city-wide Road and Drainage improvements. The project includes the following activities; site preparation, demolition, installation of base materials, safety improvements, installation of drainage infrastructure, landscaping, and repair of utilities as needed. This road and drainage project has many areas within the town limits and includes sites located along the following roadways: Church Street, Pope Street, Sherry Street, O’Hara Avenue, Ridgewood Avenue, Joseph Street, Dairy Road, Hawley Street, and Cemetery Avenue.

This project is currently in the construction bidding phase which is being completed by the Town with the assistance of the Town’s contracted Engineer – David H. Melvin, Inc. Once bidding is complete, the town will initiate the award process to ready the project for construction. The Grant is being administered by the Town’s contracted grant administrator – David H. Melvin, Inc.

Townwide Stormwater Improvements Project (M0010)

The Town of Sneads has been awarded $4,945,145.64 in CDBG-DR funds to make targeted stormwater infrastructure upgrades to the Town. Construction is projected to occur at 15 separate sites and includes work such as construction of new drainage piping, roadside ditches, stormwater management facilities, cross drains, and replacement of damaged piping. Under this project, the Town has purchased the property at 8177 Old Spanish Trail and intends to construct a stormwater management facility at this location.

This project is currently under design by the Town’s contracted Engineer – David H. Melvin, Inc. Once design is complete, the town will initiate the competitive bid process to solicit sealed bids from qualified construction contractors. The Grant is being administered by the Town’s contracted grant administrator – David H. Melvin, Inc.

Townwide Wastewater Improvements (M0110)

The Town of Sneads has been awarded $3,629,750.00 in CDBG-DR funds to make targeted wastewater infrastructure upgrades to the Town’s wastewater treatment and transmission systems. Construction is projected to include renovation of a by-pass at Lift Station #7, repairs/replacement of the chlorine chamber valves, improvement to grit removal system, control system upgrades at the Wastewater treatment plant, and SCADA system upgrades throughout the system.

This project is currently under design by the Town’s contracted Engineer – David H. Melvin, Inc. Once design is complete, the town will initiate the competitive bid process to solicit sealed bids from qualified construction contractors. The Grant is being administered by the Town’s contracted grant administrator – David H. Melvin, Inc.


Hazard Mitigation Hurricane Michael Grant Match Program (HMGMP)

The Florida Department of Commerce (FC) allocated $109,000,000 in funding for the Rebuild Florida Hazard Mitigation Grant Match Program (HMGP) through the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address unmet disaster recovery needs related to damage from Hurricane Michael.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in their Hazard Mitigation Grant Program requires a local match of 25%. This program is designed to fund the local match portion of the award. These funds represent a unique and significant opportunity for the state, in the areas most impacted by recent disasters, to carry out strategic and high impact activities to rebuild and harden infrastructure to prevent or reduce losses in future disasters.

Generator Project  (M0095)

The Town of Sneads has been awarded up to $120,081.00 in CDBG-DR Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Match funds to complete a project to install emergency back-up power generators at five (5) separate Lift Stations throughout the town. The project is primarily funded through the HMGP Agreement DR-4399-058-R, as approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

This project is currently under design by the Town’s contracted Engineer – David H. Melvin, Inc. Once design is complete, the town will initiate the competitive bid process to solicit sealed bids from qualified construction contractors. The Grant is being administered by the Town’s contracted grant administrator – iParametrics.

If any citizen, would like additional information on these projects or would like to view information related to these projects such as grant agreements, procurement records, or environmental review information please contact Bill Rentz, Town Manager at 850-593-6636 or email info@Sneadsfl.com.

Citizens may file a written complaint or appeal with the Office of Long-Term Resiliency by email at CDBG-DR@Commerce.FL.gov or by mail to the following address:

HUD Complaints
Attention: Office of Long-Term Resiliency
Florida Department of Commerce
107 East Madison Street
The Caldwell Building, MSC 420
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

If the complainant is not satisfied by the Subrecipient’s determination or Florida Commerce’s response, then the complainant may file a written appeal by following the instructions issued in the letter of response. If the complainant has not been satisfied with the response at the conclusion of the complaint or appeals process, a formal complaint may then be addressed directly to the regional Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at:

Fair Housing Complaints
Department of Housing & Urban Development
Charles E. Bennet Federal Building
400 West Bay Street, Suite 1015
Jacksonville, FL 32202

HUD Complaints
Attention: Office of Long-Term Resiliency
Florida Department of Commerce
107 East Madison Street
The Caldwell Building, MSC 420
Tallahassee, Florida 32399