Municipal elections are non- partisan. The Town of Sneads has no districts. There are five council members elected at- large. The elections are rotated so the members are not all elected or re-elected at once. Groups one and two share an election and the following year groups three, four and five are elected. Council members serve two- year terms with no term limits. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for each group is declared the winner. There is no Run-off Election.
Council meetings are held each month on the second Tuesday with exceptions for holidays and emergencies when an alternate date is selected. Information on meeting times and dates can be obtained by contacting Sneads Town Hall. Each council member receives nominal compensation for serving. Currently the members get $400 per month and the President gets $450 per month.
Sneads operates under the Council-Manager form of Government. The Council’s duties include hiring/ appointing the Town Manager to oversee the town’s day-to-day operations, as well as the Town Attorney, Town Clerk, Police Chief and Fire Chief. Council duties also include Legislating for the town by adopting ordinances and resolutions in the best interest of all citizens of the town, adopting an annual budget and all other appropriations necessary for efficient town government and devoting such time as necessary to the performance of the Town Council.
As a member of the Town Council, you will be asked to make decisions, enact laws, levy taxes, and act for the benefit and best interest of the Town of Sneads. You will be performing a valuable service by addressing community needs and issues, as you represent your constituents. It is a much-needed service that carries with it great responsibilities.