(850) 593-6636 info@sneadsfl.com

Qualification to become a Council member usually takes place in February of each year, followed by the election in April and the swearing and taken of office at the May meeting.
If you are interested in serving the Town as a Council member you may do so by:
Being at least 18 years old.
Being a resident of Sneads for at least six months immediately preceding qualification.
Being duly registered in the Registration Books as a voter in the Town of Sneads.
Completing, returning a qualification packet, and paying the qualifying fees by the qualifying deadline.
Candidates that are employed should check with their employer about running for office. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure there are no rules or reasons that prohibit them from running or holding the office.
If you are interested in running for the Town Council, it is important that you contact City Hall to obtain information about the specific requirements for filing. State law has specific requirements with regard to candidates. For example, candidates must file the State of Florida Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates (Form DS-DE 9) before opening a bank account, accepting contributions toward their candidacy, or expending any funds toward their candidacy (including the qualifying fee). Candidates must file a Statement of Candidate (Form DS-DE 84) within ten days of filing Form DS-DE 9. Once these forms are filed, candidates are required to file periodic Campaign Treasurer Reports with the City Clerk’s Office pursuant to the filing schedule prescribed by State law.

New rules effect January 2024,  ALL candidates for elected office are required to file a Form 1 or Form 6 for financial disclosure as a requirement of qualifying. Form 1 or Form 6 is E-Filed, and a copy must be submitted, with their qualifying packets. A person will not be able to qualify unless this Form 1 or Form 6 has been completed and submitted. In order to file a Form 1or Form 6, all Candidates/Elected Officials must request a username and create a password for their online account from the Florida Commission on Ethics by navigating to this page: https://disclosure.floridaethics.gov/Account/Login

On this page, you will request a registration email. Response time varies but should be within 24-48 business hours so watch your email. Upon receipt of the registration information, you will then file your Form 1 or Form 6, online. It is now State Law that these forms be filed electronically. It is your responsibility as a candidate to have all forms ready when qualifying. If you have any questions about Form 1 or Form 6, contact the Florida Commission on Ethics at 850-488-7864 or Jackson County Supervisor of Elections Office at 850-482-9652.

The Town Clerk shall have qualifying forms available for completion by any candidate who wishes to run for the Council. All qualifying forms and the qualifying fee must be filed by a candidate at the time and on the dates established by the Town Council according to the Towns Election Ordinance/ Resolution.