(850) 593-6636 info@sneadsfl.com
Sneads Log Cabin

The Sneads Old Log Cabin Community House on Old Spanish Trail is a town landmark. Built in 1936 through the Work Progress Administration, it served many functions over time. It was a public health center, a polling location, the town clerk’s office, a court, a schoolhouse, as well as a place for proms, birthday parties, meetings, and class reunions.

The process to have it listed on the National Register of Historic Places started about a decade and a half ago. In July 2017, word finally came down from the National Parks Service that it made it. The marker was order and dedicated a year later in August 2018.

The cabin has seen improvements over time, but to the community, the feelings they have for this building have never changed. They are proud of it.

If you would like to rent the Log Cabin, fill out the rental form below, check with Town Hall to see if the dates you wish to rent are available and pay the rental fees to Town Hall. Fees may be paid by cash, check or money order at this time.


Log Cabin Historical Marker

On January 21, 2025, the State of Florida experienced snow for the first time in years. Here in Sneads and Jackson County in some places we got up to 6 inches. Here is the Log Cabin in its beautiful white coat of snow. Picture is from the photography of Lipford Photography. Please do not copy.